UBC Health Executive
The UBC Health Executive sets the goals for UBC Health that are aligned with the strategic plans of the university and of the health faculties. Specific initiatives and required resources are identified to achieve the desired outcomes.
UBC Health works under the Office of the Vice-President, Health to enhance and enable interprofessional and collaborative health education and research to train people, develop knowledge, and shape policy—seeking to address inequities and improve the systems that produce health. The Office of the Vice-President, Health advances these aims by promoting and facilitating equitable collaborations across disciplines and faculties at UBC’s Vancouver and Okanagan campuses that collectively contribute to UBC Health, as well as with communities, institutions, and government organizations around the province.
The UBC Health Executive sets the goals for UBC Health that are aligned with the strategic plans of the university and of the health faculties. Specific initiatives and required resources are identified to achieve the desired outcomes.
- Provide guidance on the strategic goals of UBC Health.
- Provide support and championship for priorities and initiatives of UBC Health.
- Provide oversight for UBC Health committees.
- Ensure that the priorities of UBC Health are aligned with the strategic direction of the university and of the health faculties.
- Identify key issues of interprofessional/interdisciplinary/multi-sectoral systems challenges and recommend strategic actions that enable and strengthen approaches to health education and research, across Vancouver and Okanagan campuses.
Issues advanced by the UBC Health Council and committees from each of the core areas of UBC Health in education, research, and systems. Executive may bring issues and propose agenda items to these groups, as well as the Patient and Community Advisory Committee and Health Student Caucus for input.
Composition and Organization
- Chaired by the Vice-President, Health.
- Supported by staff from UBC Health.
- Membership consisting of Deans and Vice-Presidents of health and human service faculties at UBC (Vancouver and Okanagan), Provosts of UBC Vancouver and Okanagan campuses.
- Meetings scheduled twice per year, or as needed for 120 minutes.
- Decisions made by consensus.
- Terms of Reference reviewed annually.
Expectations and Obligations of Members
- Foster and contribute to open, collaborative and respectful discussions.
- Members bring forward and help identify agenda items in advance of meetings.
- Read and review all meeting materials which, combined with active participation time, is expected to require an average commitment of up to 20 hours per year of membership.
- Actively participate in all meetings, drawing on their own knowledge, expertise and experience to provide constructive advice.
- Dermot Kelleher, Vice-President, Health; Dean, Faculty of Medicine (Chair)
- Christie Newton, Associate Vice-President, Health
- Joseph Anthony, Associate Dean, Health Professions, Faculty of Medicine
- Gage Averill, Provost and Vice-President, Academic
- Clare Haru Crowston, Dean, Faculty of Arts
- Andreas Esteves, Dean pro tem, Faculty of Dentistry
- Jan Hare, Dean pro tem, Faculty of Education
- Dean Jones, Vice Dean, Health Engagement, Faculty of Medicine
- Mark MacLachlan, Dean pro tem, Faculty of Science
- Gail Murphy, Vice-President, Research and Innovation
- James Olson, Dean, Faculty of Applied Science
- Lalitha Raman-Wilms, Dean, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences
- Rehan Sadiq, Provost and Vice-President, Academic, UBC Okanagan
- Elizabeth Saewyc, Director, School of Nursing, Faculty of Applied Science
- Melanie Stewart, Vice-President External Relations
- Marie Tarrant, Dean pro tem, Faculty of Health and Social Development, UBC Okanagan
- David Wright, Program Director for the Food, Nutrition, and Health Program in LFS