Research Advisory Committee

The Research Advisory Committee informs and supports efforts related to the initiation, advancement, translation, and evaluation of health research collaborations across UBC, complementing discipline-specific and university-wide initiatives. The Research Advisory Committee provides advice on strategies and opportunities related to the research mandate of UBC Health, as articulated in the UBC Health strategic plan and reflected in the associated action plan.

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Terms of Reference

UBC Health works under the Office of the Vice-President, Health to enhance and enable interprofessional and collaborative health education and research to train people, develop knowledge, and shape policy—seeking to address inequities and improve the systems that produce health. The Office of the Vice-President, Health advances these aims by promoting and facilitating equitable collaborations across disciplines and faculties at UBC’s Vancouver and Okanagan campuses that collectively contribute to UBC Health, as well as with communities, institutions, and government organizations around the province.


The UBC Health Research Advisory Committee informs and supports efforts related to the initiation, advancement, translation, and evaluation of health research collaborations across UBC, complementing discipline-specific and university-wide initiatives. The Research Advisory Committee provides advice on strategies and opportunities related to the research mandate of UBC Health, as articulated in the UBC Health strategic plan and reflected in the associated action plan.


  • Guide strategic priorities related to the interdisciplinary research mandate of UBC Health.
  • Identify emerging health research issues, scientific trends, challenges, and opportunities in provincial, national, and global contexts for UBC Health to consider.
  • Advocate for system level changes that will support interdisciplinary research.
  • Recommend strategic partnerships for the initiation of collaborative initiatives and to advance issues of common concern.
  • Recommend the formation of and set the direction for working groups to advance strategic interdisciplinary research priorities.
  • Identify ways to expand the reach and impact of UBC Health within the UBC community.


The Research Advisory Committee reports to the UBC Health Senior Leadership Team. Meeting minutes and issues requiring higher-level input and decision-making will be advanced to Executive by the Director of Research through the UBC Health Senior Leadership Team. Issues of common concern may be brought to the UBC Health Student Caucus and Patient and Community Advisory Committee for input as appropriate.

Composition and Organization

  1. The Director of Research will serve as Chair.
  2. The Advisory Committee will be supported by staff from UBC Health.
  3. Membership will be at the invitation of the Director of Research. The committee is intended to include perspectives from different disciplines, different faculties, different career stages, and both UBC campuses. These factors and principles of EDI will be used when extending invitations.
  4. Meetings will be scheduled three to four times per year, or as needed under special circumstances.
  5. Appointments will be two years with the possibility of renewal.
  6. Terms of Reference will be reviewed annually.

Expectations and Obligations of Members

  • Foster and contribute to open, collaborative and respectful discussions
  • Read and review all meeting materials which, combined with active participation time, is expected to require an average commitment of up to 12 hours per year of membership
  • Actively participate in all meetings, drawing on their own knowledge, expertise and experience to provide constructive advice
Current Membership 2023/24

The Interim Chair is Teo Quay, Research Manager, UBC Health. 
The Research Advisory Committee will be chaired by the Director of Research, UBC Health, when the position has been filled.

  • Jennifer Davis, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Management, UBC Okanagan
  • Leslie Grad, Manager, Strategic Initiatives, Office of the Vice-President, Research and Innovation, UBC Vancouver
  • Kimberly Huyser, Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, Faculty of Arts, UBC Vancouver
  • Mohamed Ibrahim, Assistant Professor, School of Social Work, Faculty of Arts, UBC Vancouver
  • Gina Ogilvie, Professor, School of Population and Public Health, Faculty of Medicine, UBC Vancouver
  • Lindsey Richardson, Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, Faculty of Arts, UBC Vancouver
  • Mohsen Sadatsafavi, Associate Professor, Faculty of Pharmacy, UBC Vancouver
  • Robert Shave, Professor, Associate Dean Research, Faculty of Health and Social Development; Special Advisor to the Office of the Vice-Principal, Research and Innovation, UBC Okanagan 
  • Paul van Donkelaar, Professor, School of Health and Exercise Sciences, Faculty of Health and Social Development; Associate Vice-Principal, Research, Office of the Vice-Principal, Research and Innovation, UBC Okanagan
Past Chair
  • Kim McGrail, Professor, School of Population and Public Health, Faculty of Medicine, UBC Vancouver (former Director of Research, UBC Health, 2020-2023)
Past Membership
  • Liisa Galea, Professor, Department of Psychology, Faculty of Arts, UBC Vancouver
  • Larry Lynd, Professor and Dean pro tem, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, UBC Vancouver
  • Braden Te Hiwi, Assistant Professor, Department of Community, Culture and Global Studies, Irving K. Barber Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, UBC Okanagan
  • Sabrina Wong, Professor, School of Nursing, Faculty of Applied Science, UBC Vancouver