Interprofessional Health Education Hub
UBC Health further supports health programs to advance interprofessional and collaborative practice by hosting the Interprofessional Health Education Hub on Canvas. This site is a platform for health programs to share information about interprofessional and collaborative health enrichment learning activities available to students at UBC.
These activities help build capacity for learning that prepares students for interprofessional practice. They offer students the opportunity to gain knowledge and skills to work interprofessionally as well as the opportunity to learn about patient and community perspectives.
Health professional students are automatically registered for the Hub; faculty members can self-register from the home page. Monthly email announcements include a list of upcoming interprofessional opportunities.
Activity Submissions
UBC Health welcomes submissions for interprofessional learning activities to be featured on the Hub throughout the year. Activities must be submitted at least six weeks before the event date, have explicit interprofessional learning objectives, and meet the criteria below.
UBC Health will support activity leads by:
- Posting the activity on the Hub
- Providing a Qualtrics registration form template that will be included in the posting
- Sharing a monthly announcement to all students enrolled in the Hub to update them on new activities
Activity leads will be responsible for:
- Sharing activity content with UBC Health to appear on the Hub
- All activity promotion
- Customizing the registration form and registration management
- Activity logistics (Zoom or room bookings)
- Activity delivery
- Sharing the final attendance list with UBC Health, including the disciplines of participants
Activities must:
- Have explicit interprofessional learning objectives that align with the competencies articulated in CIHC National Interprofessional Competency Framework
- Be delivered to students from two or more disciplines
- Offer interactive learning that provides students with an opportunity to learn about, with, and from each other
Be led by a faculty member at UBC Vancouver, including distributed sites, or UBC Okanagan (student-led activities must have a UBC faculty sponsor)
To submit an activity, please complete the IPHE Hub Activity Submission Form and email it to Brenda Gonzalez, Project Coordinator, UBC Health at