A gateway to team-based care
The Gateway to Team-Based Care will be a provincial centre for...
UBC Health brought together more than 200 people from diverse roles, sectors, and regions across British Columbia at Breathe & Weave: Talking Across Silos to Enable Health System Improvement, a health summit to discuss shared priorities for improving BC’s health system and how working together could be better enabled across the system.
The health summit was a series of three linked dialogue sessions designed to:
The summit included healthcare policymakers, administrators, providers, community members, academics, and partners from organizations interested in health. Participants discussed how to communicate and coordinate more effectively across organizational boundaries and how together they could address urgent issues for health and healthcare in BC.
The summit was the first opportunity in recent years for people representing many regions and sectors to meet on this scale specifically for intersectoral dialogue about health and healthcare in British Columbia in the broadest sense.
The Breathe and Weave health summit advances the following UBC Health strategic objectives:
Posted October 23, 2023