Cross-Sector Dialogue
Join us for Bridging Research and Action
To build shared understanding and enable collaborative solution-finding for better health in BC, UBC Health has convened people and organizations from all regions of the province and all areas of the Partnership Pentagram Plus to participate in dialogue.
In 2021, UBC Health partnership facilitated an online engagement process with healthcare users, healthcare providers, administrators, and academics across British Columbia to provide input on priorities for improving health in BC. UBC Health collected 1,130 responses through the ThoughtExchange portal from more than 600 people across British Columbia, reflecting a broad range of backgrounds, such as healthcare users, healthcare providers, administrators, and academics.
Perspectives provided valuable insight about widely supported prospects for positive change. The results were reviewed by the BC Health Systems Partnership, which used the information to select areas of focus for ongoing work. For more information, read the summary report.
In January 2023, UBC Health, in collaboration with the BC Health Systems Partnership, hosted a health summit called Breathe and Weave: Talking Across Silos to Enable Health System Improvement. The event brought together people from diverse roles, sectors, and regions across British Columbia to discuss shared priorities for improving BC’s health system and how working together could be better enabled across the system.
The Report from the BC Health Summit provides a reflection on what happened in the summit sessions, which themes emerged through the ideas and perspectives participants shared, and next steps arising from the dialogue.
The following reports provide documentation on participant statements during the summit that related to particular themes:
More than 130 people from diverse perspectives across British Columbia came together at a cross-sector dialogue in January 2024 to discuss how we can better bridge healthcare silos and heighten the impact of our collective efforts to improve BC’s health system.
Weaving the Threads: Bridging Silos, Building Impact was a dialogue-based event that convened health administrators, care providers, academics, policymakers, patients and community members, and partners from organizations interested in health. The event built on the Breathe and Weave health summit hosted in 2023, in which the theme of ‘silos and collaboration’ emerged as a top priority.
This cross-sector dialogue session explored opportunities for joint action to bridge silos. Convening participants to share and learn from different perspectives fostered connections between participants and identified opportunities to counteract the negative impacts of silos. The event created a shared understanding of common priorities and catalyzed collaborative action among participants.
Participants brought forward 30 specific opportunities for more collaborative action. UBC Health connected participants with common priorities so they could align goals and take steps to advance them collaboratively. UBC Health has committed to facilitating collaborations around the opportunities that align with its Better Health Together strategy.
For more information, read the summary and calls to action and download the graphic recording of the event.