Advancing Interprofessional Education Fund (AIEF)

The AIEF invites faculty and students from UBC’s Health Distributed Programs, UBC Okanagan, and UBC Vancouver to apply for one-time funding of up to $2,000 to develop and deliver a collaborative health learning opportunity. This funding will provide pump-priming to support program partners to develop and deliver extra-curricular, collaborative health learning opportunities that will help build learning capacity that prepares students for collaborative health practice.

Faculty members and students with a faculty sponsor can apply for this opportunity. Activities must have explicit interprofessional learning objectives and focus on students in at least one of UBC’s health distributed programs and/or UBC Okanagan. Activities initiated in the distributed sites can also involve students from the UBC Vancouver campus.  

call for applications

The call for applications is now closed. 

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Program Objectives

The AIEF supports the development and delivery of extra-curricular, collaborative health learning opportunities for students in the UBC Health Distributed Programs and/or UBC-O to build capacity for collaborative health practice.


Proposed activities must:

  • have explicit interprofessional learning objectives that align with the competencies articulated in the National Interprofessional Competency Framework;
  • focus on students at UBCO and/or at least one of UBC’s distributed program sites (Kelowna, Prince George, Victoria, Surrey). Activities could still involve UBC-V students, but the focus must be on the UBC distributed sites;
  • be delivered to students from two or more disciplines, with a focus on interprofessional learning;
  • offer interactive learning that provides students with an opportunity to learn about, with, and from each other;
  • be led by a faculty member (student-led activities must have a faculty sponsor);
  • be delivered between July 1st, 2024 and June 30th, 2025.

UBC Health will provide the following support for activity leads:

  • Create a unique page on the Interprofessional Health Education Hub (IHEH)
  • Create a standardized 5-question Qualtrics registration form to share with the activity lead to manage: Name, email, student number, health profession, year of studies (if required)
  • Share a monthly announcement to all health professional students enrolled in the IHEH to promote the activity.

Activity leads will have the following responsibilities:

  • Share activity content with UBC Health
  • Promotion of activity and communication with students beyond monthly Canvas announcement sharing activity opportunities
  • Manage registration and attendance records
  • Activity logistics (Zoom or room bookings)
  • Activity delivery
  • Submit final report with UBC Health 30 days after the activity is completed. Information required: Number of students registered, number of students attending, health profession breakdown, year of studies, and budget breakdown.
March 15, 2024, at 12 pm PST Call for applications opens
April 15, 2024 - ongoing Applicants are notified of decisions within 30 days of submitting their application
July 1, 2024 - June 30, 2025 Activities are delivered
August 1, 2024 - July 30, 2025 Final reports are due 30 days after activity completion


If you have any questions or require further information about this program, please contact