UBC Health Newsletter
UBC Health News is a monthly newsletter to keep colleagues, partners, students, and community members informed of our latest initiatives, collaborations, and funding opportunities.
Read our latest issue
Recent News
- Message from UBC Health Leadership
- Upcoming Event: Voices for Health Equity
- UBC Health Supporting the Development of Interprofessional Competency Frameworks in Canada
- Celebrating Excellence in Health Education and Research: Highlights from the UBC Health Awards
- Competition for 2024 UBC Health Awards and Scholarships Open
- Ministry of Health Seed Grant Program
Past Issues
- Christie Newton Appointed Associate Vice-President, Health
- UBC Health Operational Leadership
- Bridging Silos and Building Impact in BC's Health System
- Successful Interprofessional Street Medicine Workshop Empowers UBC Health Professional Students
- Weaving the threads: Holding space for dialogue to bridge the silos better in BC’s health system
- Taking a local health education program international
- Students together learning with, about, and from each other
- Nov 16: Are early years still the greatest equalizer? Examining equity in early childhood emerging from COVID-19 [Health After 2020 Dialogue Session]
- Nov 30: Substance Use-Related Stigma [Substance Use and Addiction Lunch & Learn]
- Dec 7: Playing Together to Promote Early Childhood Outside in BC Early Learning and Child Care Centres [Health After 2020 Dialogue Session]
- Jan 25: Weaving the Threads: Bridging Silos, Building Impact
- Connecting people, ideas, and actions
- Michelle Hamilton joins UBC Health as Education Program Manager
- Doctoral students committed to health equity part of new UBC Health program
- Empowering patient voices in health professional education
- Health summit reports published by theme
- November 16: Are early years still the greatest equalizer? Examining equity in early childhood emerging from COVID-19 (Health After 2020 Dialogue Session)
- November 19-20: Aging Better Together: Collaborating to Improve Outcomes Across British Columbia
- UBC Health convenes scholars advancing interprofessional education
- Health After 2020 moves beyond pandemic to support innovation in knowledge translation
- Competition for 2023 UBC Health awards and scholarships opens September 25
- Interprofessional leadership opportunity available for students
- In memoriam: Dr. John McNeill, Dean Emeritus, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences
- October 4: How Innovations in Team-Based Practice Achieve Remission of Type 2 Diabetes (TBC@UBC Network Event)
- November 19-20: Aging Better Together: Collaborating to Improve Outcomes Across British Columbia
- Appointment of Cathy Kline as Assistant Director, Patient and Community Engagement
- Interprofessional activity submissions open for Hub inclusion
- Carrie Krekoski joins CIHC as board member
- Call for abstracts and registration for healthy aging symposium now open
- November 19-20: Aging Better Together: Collaborating to Improve Outcomes Across British Columbia
- Ten interdisciplinary teams awarded funding to transform health through innovation
- Interprofessional education program accepting new health mentors
- Stepping forward to expand patient partnerships within health education
- June 15: Understanding Stimulant Use and Stimulant Use Disorder Care (Substance Use and Addiction Series)
- June 22: Do You Experience Challenges Communicating in Healthcare Settings? (Health After 2020 Dialogue Session)
- November 19-20: Aging Better Together: Collaborating to Improve Outcomes Across British Columbia
- UBC researchers awarded funding to address priority health areas in BC
- Dr. Maria Hubinette appointed Canfield Distinguished Scholar in Patient Partnerships
- A collaborative approach to support healthy aging research
- Dr. Christie Newton receives Honorary Medical Alumni Award
- May 23: Let's Talk: Key Questions from the First Year (TBC @ UBC Network event)
- June 8: Hearing Indigenous Voices During the Covid-19 Pandemic (Health After 2020 Dialogue Session)
- June 15: Understanding Stimulant Use and Stimulant Use Disorder Care (Substance Use and Addiction Series)
- UBC Health award and scholarship recipients honoured at ceremony
- Talking across silos to enable health system improvement
- Call for applications open for health equity stream of Public Scholars Initiative
- Competition brings interdisciplinary teams of students together to solve complex case
- Health students and mentors share experiences at annual symposium
- May 23: TBC @ UBC Network: Let's Talk: Key Questions from the First Year
- Sponsored registration for students to attend substance use conference
- HIFI call for proposals with healthy aging stream now open
- Feb 16: Public Scholars Initiative: Health Equity Stream Info Session
- Feb 17: Branches of the same tree: Using linked administrative health data to reduce illicit drug poisoning and improve the health of people released from incarceration (Health After 2020 Dialogue Session)
- Mar 1: What can team-based care look like in BC when providing behavioural and mental health care within primary care? (TBC @ UBC Network Event)
- Mar 27: UBC Health Awards Presentation
- Excellence in health research, education, and practice celebrated through UBC Health awards and scholarships
- New opportunity for doctoral students conducting research to improve health equity
- Bringing patients and society back into social accountability of medical education
- Feb 16: Public Scholars Initiative: Health Equity Stream Info Session
- Feb 17: Branches of the same tree: Using linked administrative health data to reduce illicit drug poisoning and improve the health of people released from incarceration (Health After 2020 Dialogue Session)
- Mar 1: What can team-based care look like in BC when providing behavioural and mental health care within primary care? (TBC @ UBC Network Event)
- Wishing you joy and peace for 2023!
- Funding for innovative health research awarded to interdisciplinary teams
- Interprofessional workshop focused on decreasing substance use stigma
- Jan 20: Post-COVID-19 pandemic long-term care delivery system (Health After 2020 Dialogue Session)
- Health in unexpected places: Health After 2020 program participants announced
- Distinguished scholar position created to advance patient and community partnerships
- New resources on substance use and addiction education and training
- Nov 24: Introduction to opioid use disorder and treatment options (Substance Use and Addiction Lunch & Learn Webinar)
- Nov 30: Substance use among international students from Punjab in BC’s lower mainland: A mixed methods study (Health After 2020 Dialogue Session)
- Dec 5: What do we mean by 'team-based care'? (TBC @ UBC Network Event)
- Promoting interprofessional learning activities for students
- Health Mentors program kicks off 12th year
- Health After 2020 Dialogue Sessions
- Oct 27: State-level responses to the COVID-19 pandemic in India
- Nov 30: Substance use among international students from Punjab in BC’s Lower Mainland
- UBC Health awards and scholarships competition open until Nov 10
- Patient videos offer new resource for health program instructors
- Interprofessional student leadership opportunity available
- Global health conference enriched by students
- Health After 2020 Dialogue Sessions
- Oct 27: State-level responses to the COVID-19 pandemic in India
- Nov 30: Substance use among international students from Punjab in BC’s Lower Mainland
- Substance Use and Addiction Lunch & Learn Webinar
- Nov 2: Trauma- and Violence-Informed Care Webinar, Part 2
Leadership Message: Dr. Christie Newton appointed Associate Vice-President, Health pro tem
- Be a panelist for team-based care event
- Health in unexpected places: Submit a proposal for Health After 2020
- Last chance to register for TUFH conference
- HIFI call for proposals opens August 15
Leadership Message from Dr. Anne Martin-Matthews, Associate Vice-President, Health
- UBC Health in action
- Interdisciplinary teams awarded funding for innovative health research
- Summer program launches for students interested in health professions
- Award and scholarship recipients celebrated
- Aug 16-19: Towards Unity for Health (TUFH) Conference
- Call for proposals for collaborative health enrichment activities funding
- Join the conversation about the respectful and equity-oriented collection and use of disaggregated data
- UBC Health webinars and event recordings available on YouTube
- May 31: UBC Health Awards Celebration
- June 7: Racism is Deadlier than You Think: Listening, Unlearning, and Relearning to Promote Anti-Racism in Healthcare Education
- June 15: TBC @ UBC Network Event: Innovative composition of disciplines on healthcare teams
- Aug 16-19: Towards Unity for Health (TUFH) Conference
- Proposed team-based care clinic at UBC moving forward
- Partnership sponsors students to attend substance use conference
- Community partner advocates for gold standard in patient engagement
- April 21 (new date): Trauma- and Violence-Informed Care Webinar
- April 21: Team Up! Reflections from the Field: Team-Based Care Networks & Communities of Practice
- April 27: Exploring Barriers and Facilitators to Health Equity: A Public Dialogue to Advance Research Agendas related to Opioid Prescribing for Pain Conditions | Health After 2020 Dialogue Session
- May 11: Engaging Patients Before and After Childbirth from all Walks of Life in Health Research | Health After 2020 Dialogue Session
- Aug 16-19: Towards Unity for Health (TUFH) Conference
- UBC Health award and scholarship recipients recognized for excellence in health research, education, and practice
- Virtual reality innovation in exposure therapy
- Thank you for sharing your thoughts on improving health in BC
- Special interest groups support development of communities of practice
- March 18: Lost in translation: Why studying sex/gender differences is not enough to move the dial on women’s health | Health After 2020 Dialogue Session
- March 24: Trauma- and Violence-Informed Care Webinar
- April 4: Health Mentors Symposium
- April 8: Home-based virtual reality therapeutics for mental health care: Opportunities and challenges | Health After 2020 Dialogue Session
- April 27: Exploring barriers and facilitators to health equity: A public dialogue to advance research agendas related to opioid prescribing for pain conditions | Health After 2020 Dialogue Session
- May 11: Engaging patients before and after childbirth from all walks of life in health research | Health After 2020 Dialogue Session
- Aug 16-19: Towards Unity for Health (TUFH) Conference
Leadership message from Dr. Kelleher, Vice-President, Health
- Call for proposals for Health Innovation Funding Investment (HIFI) Awards
- New funding opportunity to support collaborative health enrichment activities
- Health After 2020 dialogue sessions begin next month
- UBC Health to sponsor students and Indigenous peoples to attend TUFH conference
- Health After 2020 Dialogue Sessions
- Lost in translation: Why studying sex/gender differences is not enough to move the dial on women’s health
- Home-based virtual reality therapeutics for mental health care: Opportunities and challenges
- Exploring barriers and facilitators to health equity: A public dialogue to advance research agendas related to opioid prescribing for pain conditions
- Engaging patients before and after childbirth from all walks of life in health research
- Trauma- and Violence-Informed Care Webinar
- Towards Unity for Health (TUFH) Conference
- Nine interdisciplinary teams awarded funding for innovative health research
- Patient facilitators share rich insights with students in collaborative decision-making workshop
- Share your thoughts on improving health in BC
- Donna Drynan receives alumni achievement award from University of Toronto
- Substance Use and Addiction Webinars
- Substance Use and Stigma
- Trauma- and Violence-Informed Care
- TBC @ UBC Network Event
- Racism is Deadlier than You Think: An Anti-Racist Approach to Health Education, Care, and Systems
- Towards Unity for Health Conference
- Wishing you happy holidays and all the best for 2022!
- Practice education initiative catalyzes collective action to advance rural placements
- Indigenous Elder-led research collaboration in the Okanagan promotes culturally safe parenting
- Grant awarded to engage patients in delivery of medical education at UBC
- Moving Forward on a Pan-Canadian Health Data Strategy
- Substance Use and Stigma Webinar
- TBC @ UBC Network Event
- Competition for 2021 UBC Health awards and scholarships now open
- Cross-institutional research teams to participate in Health After 2020 dialogue series
- Interdisciplinary HIFI team investigates effects of dual public health emergencies
- Call for abstracts open for global health conference at UBC
- Substance use and addiction webinars
- TBC @ UBC Network event
- 2021 John McNeill Excellence in Health Research Mentorship Award open for nominations
- Health After 2020 program brings together researchers around this inflection point in society
- Launching the TBC @ UBC Network to advance team-based care
- Finding the patient’s voice
- Substance use and addiction lunch & learn series
- Ben Fair appointed Assistant Director, Health Systems at UBC Health
- Interprofessional placement project in rural BC enhances health student experience
- Call for proposals for Health Innovation Funding Investment (HIFI) Awards open to UBC faculty
- Videos of patients and caregivers illustrate vital topics for health education
- Building a community of practice for substance use and addiction education
- In memoriam: Dr. James Frankish
- Disaggregated data dialogue session on research ethics
- Dr. Nadine Caron appointed Special Advisor on Indigenous Health to the Vice-President, Health and to the Dean, Faculty of Medicine
- Health After 2020 call for proposals now open
- Successful year for patient-led workshop series
- Health informatics game wins innovation award
- Donna Drynan appointed to Canadian Interprofessional Health Collaborative board of directors
- Health After 2020 initiative cultivates interdisciplinary research collaborations and launches with public lecture on July 14
- Health education symposia to drive transformations in teaching and learning
- UBC Health Awards Celebration
- Health Data Research Network Webinar
- Health After 2020 Launch and Public Lecture
- Message from UBC Health leadership
- Better health together: UBC Health launches 2021-2026 strategic plan
- Collaborative health education: Shaping the workforce of tomorrow
- Interdisciplinary health research: Catalyzing innovative collaborations
- Health systems: Advocating for positive change in health
- UBC Health to launch strategic plan
- Substance use and addiction training a priority for student learning
- Celebrating 10 years of health mentors
- Dr. Ray Markham appointed Special Advisor to the Vice-President, Health on Health Systems
- Students recognized for academic excellence and health field contributions
- Mentorship enables students to reach their full potential
- Ongoing engagement through disaggregated data dialogue series
- Six faculty teams awarded funding for innovative health research
- A UBC dialogue about the collection and use of disaggregated data
- Student learning enhanced by community educator
- 10th Annual UBC Interprofessional Health Mentors Virtual Symposium
- UBC Health Award recipients recognized for advancing health research mentorship and education
- Learning on the run about team-based care
- Dr. Dermot Kelleher re-appointed as Vice-President, Health
- Moving towards better health together
- Student leads creation of unique patient support tool
- Using data to advance human rights
- What is health?
- Visioning retreat first step in broad engagement around team-based care
- Award-winning educator joins UBC Health
- Deadline reminder for UBC Health Awards + Scholarship submissions
- A new way to connect
- Introducing... the HIFI Awards
- Interprofessional learning goes online
- Pilot project REACHES out to rural BC