This will be the last activities report prepared during my tenure as Associate Provost Health.  It has been a year of continued and new initiatives in education, research and system transformation.  The UBC Health Executive elaborated a series of priorities that have guided our work.  The new UBC Health website provides details on many of these projects.

Our education activities are presented using the following illustration.  Please click on the various segments of the puzzle to access more complete information.  The highlights include: consolidation of the integrated curricula, the advancements in developing common policies and procedures in practice education, the establishment of a new CPD committee, the elaboration of report outlining needs for team-based primary care in British Columbia, the preparation for the launch of a curriculum in resilience for our students, and the preparation of a report on patient engagement in education. 

The next year will see the establishment of the Vice-President Health’s portfolio that will build on our collective accomplishments and further develop our relationships with external partners.

I wish to thank many individuals who have contributed to the achievements of UBC Health: the talented and dedicated staff in the office, Susana Leon, Victoria Wood, Carrie Krekoski, John Cheng, Angela Wagner, Caroline Voisine, Tenzine Kabar, Cathy Kline and Jen Macdonald; our engaged faculty, Christie Newton, Angela Towle and Bill Godolphin; our committee chairs, Kathy Hornby and Marcia Choi; and our committee members as well as many other faculty, students and staff from all of the health programs. 

It has been an honour to assist in this significant achievement for our university that has demonstrated that collaboration is possible and does lead to enhanced learning and research that ultimately result in a more effective model of health care delivery by teams and improved health for the population of our province and of our country.

Louise Nasmith
Associate Provost Health


Continuing Professional Development
Student Engagement
Practice Education
Patient & Community Advisory Committee
Health Curriculum Committee
Health Awards Committee


  • Awards + Scholarships
  • Collaborative Health Education