BC Government Invests in Gateway to Advance Team-Based Primary Care and Education
The BC Ministry of Health has committed operational funding to support the...
UBC Health invites faculty members at UBC Vancouver and UBC Okanagan to submit a proposal for the Health Innovation Funding Investment (HIFI) Awards by October 14, 2022.
We are offering up to $25,000 to faculty members who are collaborating across faculties, disciplines, and campuses to develop new teams, pursue new ideas, or translate findings from innovative health-related research.
In addition to the general, open call for HIFI, we are inviting applications that focus on initiatives which promote diversity and inclusion and have the potential to impact health equity across individuals, communities, and societies. Health can be measured in many ways, for example, based on the presence or absence of disease, or through more qualitative understanding of personal or community assets and capabilities. Threats to health and inequities in health can be addressed through thoughtful public policy, supportive environments that encourage community action and individual skills, and strong healthcare systems that include prevention.
For information on eligibility criteria, key dates, FAQs, and the application process, visit the HIFI page.
Posted August 29, 2022